Every company must give some thought to an extinguishing water supply. The Industrial Building Directive only makes vague specifications in both the Model Building Code (MBO) and the Model Administrative Act for Technical Building Provisions (M-VVTB). For example, it requires between 96 and 192 cubic meters of water per hour for each so-called fire compartment for a period of two hours — a broadly defined quantity. A fire compartment is a structurally delimited area secured by fire-resistant components. These fire compartments can be accessed through fire doors, each of which must meet the same requirements as the fire protection component to which they are connected.
Although these are the typical options for supplying extinguishing water, there are still special cases. For example, there are special regulations for listed buildings. They require individual — and expensive — solutions, like dispensing with extinguishing water and replacing it with foam or powder. This also requires advice, in this case from the regional monument protection authorities.
For fire protection, planning and documentation are the be-all and end-all. In addition to comprehensive process descriptions, companies need floor plans and notices showing escape routes, as well as access routes for the fire department. Usually, fire protection officers should have documents in digital and analog form, such as plans in the corridors. The best way to achieve comprehensive documentation is through software. With TENADO PROTECT, companies can master challenging organizational fire protection projects and plan fire protection documentation even without CAD experience.
TENADO PROTECT is a fully-fledged CAD program. Adaptations to the premises, such as the installation or removal of walls or a change in seating, can be made without any difficulty. Escape routes, assembly points, and alarm points, as well as the corresponding symbols, can be placed easily and intuitively. The program offers all the relevant plan templates, from fire safety regulations to escape and rescue plans, fire department routes, and room plans. Protection zones can also be defined with just one click.
TENADO PROTECT also takes into account the extinguishing water supply. Planning and implementing an adequate water supply requires a careful analysis of the specific conditions of each building. That is why the software is constantly updated to be in line with the latest standards in fire protection and extinguishing water supply. It ensures that company safety can always be guaranteed — the central task in fire protection.
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44807 Bochum