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Case Study:

Top-tier safety at


Escape and rescue planning with TENADO PROTECT


Complex indoor attractions and intertwined structures: Amusement park operators are faced with special structural conditions. This makes it all the more challenging to check escape and rescue plans in accordance with all relevant standards and guidelines and to keep them up to date at all times.


Guest safety is the key element for Europa-Park GmbH & Co Mack KG with its 5.7 million (2019) guests per year. It fulfills this responsibility by creating DIN ISO 23601- and DIN EN ISO 7010-compliant escape and rescue plans as part of preventive fire protection. With the TENADO PROTECT industry solution, the company meets all the requirements of the relevant standards.

Navigating Safety Concerns

On the nearly 100-hectare site of Europa-Park, clearly marked and easily accessible escape and rescue routes are essential for preventive fire protection. The fire brigade in Rust consists of 41 employees, 14 of whom are involved in preventive fire protection (5 during the day shift, 5 fire protection officers, 3 in the technical field, and 1 draftsman). One of their key responsibilities is to implement complex building structures in accordance with regulations.
The marking of escape routes at Europa-Park was outsourced for a long time and was the responsibility of an (external) works fire department. In 2011, the recognized plant fire department was founded and the company began to drive forward the topic of preventive fire protection under its own responsibility. In the course of this, numerous route maps and plans with new escape routes had to be created.
A particular challenge here: The number of buildings at Europa-Park is not only increasing year on year, but also their size and complexity. The park’s architecture is characterized by complex indoor attractions, nested structures, and poor lighting. The mandatory biennial inspection and, if necessary, adaptation of the escape routes therefore generates a considerable amount of work each time – in addition to the updates that are constantly required in between anyway.
Europa Park logo

Advanced Fire Protection with TENADO PROTECT

With TENADO PROTECT, the fire brigade has access to versatile software that can be used not only to create escape and rescue routes, fire protection plans, and evacuation maps, but also to develop operational plans for defensive fire protection.
The fire department receives the floor plans from the construction department, which plans and manages the properties using AutoCAD. The Revalize software offers an import function for AutoCAD DWG formats so that the escape/rescue plan can be created immediately in TENADO PROTECT on the basis of the AutoCAD drawing. With the introduction of the software, the department began to overhaul all older buildings and upgrade their fire protection systems.
Both our own employees and external companies work with TENADO PROTECT on a daily basis, and an external service provider uses it to create fire control plans (which are less complex than an escape and rescue plan), for example. „The software is virtually self-explanatory,“ explains Roland Engler, Coordinator in Fire Prevention at Europa-Park GmbH & Co Mack KG. Regular training courses are held to deal with detailed tasks, such as project management or updating references, exchanging symbols, etc.
One helpful feature is the option to import images. Unlike in a hospital or other public facilities, smoke alarms are often not very visible in amusement parks. An accompanying picture often helps here, so that the fire prevention team can find them quickly.

Compared to other programs for creating escape routes, TENADO PROTECT is much clearer and can be used even without special CAD experience. At the same time, more complex issues can be modeled. "

Roland Engler
Coordinator in Fire Prevention at Europa-Park GmbH & Co Mack KG

Reasons for Choosing TENADO PROTECT

Efficient fire protection planning

The rapid and dynamic planning, creation, and adaptation of escape and rescue plans, and fire department route maps offer significant efficiency gains for the Europa-Park plant fire department. Employees, even those with no previous knowledge of technical drawing, can be quickly trained on the software. The partial outsourcing of fire protection planning ensures maximum objectivity.

Automatic adjustment

Project management is particularly valuable to Europa-Park. Here, title blocks and symbols can be exchanged, and all plans are automatically adapted via the referencing function in project management. Some of the 41 members of the fire brigade are now using the software.

Custom symbols

The symbol libraries, one of the most important features of TENADO PROTECT, contain all the fire protection planning symbols required to populate escape and rescue plans and route maps. Roland Engler‘s team can also create their own symbols here.

Important Outcomes

Europa Park Can Can coaster

We particularly like the fact that we can customize the plans at any time. An amusement park is different from a hospital or other permanent establishment. We are constantly on the move, carrying out conversions etc. – this has to be reflected in flexible software.”

Roland Engler

Coordinator in Fire Prevention at Europa-Park GmbH & Co Mack KG

Elevating Safety with Precision

The precise and efficient creation of escape and rescue plans and fire department route maps with TENADO PROTECT guarantees a high level of safety for guests and employees at Europa-Park.

Europa-Park is a dynamic, growing entity. Safety is extremely important where thousands of people are out and about every day and attractions are expanded, converted, or new ones added virtually every month. If safety is to be guaranteed in the long term, a reliable safety concept is needed that can be permanently adapted to changing conditions. With TENADO PROTECT, Europa-Park GmbH & Co Mack KG has the right tools for further growth when it comes to fire protection.

Europa Park Map

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