Business Intelligence

Every Product Selected, Configured, Quoted And Sold Is A Datapoint You Can Capture To Inform Your Business Forecast

Quote and order reporting should be more science and less art.

For many of the mechanical equipment manufactures and distributors we talk to, leveraging their data to inform sales forecasting, product development and even predict market shifts is a significant strain on time and resources.

That is why we built our Business Intelligence solution integrated directly to the Intelliquip Selling Cloud.

Use your data to predict market trends

By connecting business intelligence to the process of selecting, configuring, pricing, quoting and ordering, our customers can access the reporting they need to understand exactly what products are being sold, forecast future sales, and identify trends in their customer’s behaviors and even recurring market trends.

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Sell smarter with business intelligence

The Intelliquip Selling Cloud and the Business Intelligence solution deliver the fully integrated, out-of-the-box capabilities you need to start quoting faster and win more business.

  1. Custom Analytics: A personalized digital dashboard users can count on for instantaneous and informed decision-making.
  2. Real-time Intelligence: Swiftly drill down into real-time information. uncover trends, measure efficiency, align sales and marketing strategies.
  3. Truly Smart Sales: Identify outliers and comb through your sales funnel to maximize revenues.
  4. No time-wasting Duplicative Data Entry: Full integration constantly collects data and updates every transaction as it happens – without entering data twice.
  5. Find Missed Opportunities: New products – new markets – they take shape as you sift client requests, individual and overall team performance.


Intelliquip had more engineering and pump industry expertise than any other software vendor. Some of their founding partners created the first automated pump selector I ever used. We valued their capabilities and track record. That knowledge shines through in their software.”

IT Leader,
Pump Manufacturer

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