Activate Channel Engagement = More Revenue

Maximize every lead across your distribution channel to increase revenue.

Get Better Information

Managing a distribution sales team requires strong communication. LeadMethod gives you the tools to track sales opportunities and better communicate with your reps and distributors.

Sell With Speed

Studies show that the first company to follow up with a lead wins the business. With LeadMethod’s automated lead capture and distribution, you can give your distributors a competitive advantage by getting them leads fast.

Drive More Revenue

Sales leads are rarely leveraged to their full advantage, whether due to slow contact time, low follow-up rates or decentralized communication. LeadMethod enables you to better track every lead to maximize sales.

LeadMethod dashboard

Real Time Dashboard

You need to keep a pulse of critical indicators that tell you what is happening in your channel sales force. The LeadMethod real-time executive dashboard gives you that power.

Powerful Lead Management

Your lead management process doesn’t need to be tedious or time-consuming. With LeadMethod, we make it fast and easy. Our advanced technology automates lead capture and distribution, saving your team hours every day.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

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Invaluable Feedback And Conversion

Without strong engagement from your sales reps and distributors, you don’t have the information you need to analyze patterns, nurture opportunities or identify weaknesses in your channel sales process. LeadMethod’s innovative technology and simple design ensures an incredible feedback rate from your outside sales team. LeadMethod clients have achieved an 85% feedback rate with their sales reps – in one major client’s case, that was more than a 225% increase from their previous process.

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