Powertrak for Heavy Equipment Machinery Industry

Visually Build, Quote and Order Machinery

The interactive and visual product configurator for heavy machinery equipment manufacturers.

Powertrak CPQ helps construction, farm, and other heavy equipment companies automate the configure, price and quote process with visual and interactive technology. Place it on your website for customers to confidently design and order your make-to-order machinery.

3D heavy equipment

Simplify Heavy Equipment Machinery Configurations

Powertrak CPQ software is a cloud-based, mobile-friendly solution designed to streamline the quote-to-order process and enhance the customer buying experience. Add guided selling to your CPQ software implementation to ensure you’re satisfying customer needs and improving the efficiency of your sales teams.

Visual Product Configurations

3D building heavy equipment
Select the type of undercarriage kit – wheels or track – click or drag it onto the model base.

Immersive Virtual Reality Experience

up close to a 3D heavy equipment
When the configuration is complete, experience the design in virtual reality, powered by Powertrak VRoom.

Storefront Features

3D Drag and Drop

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