Fluid processing systems are used across different industries for various purposes. Most facilities contain multiple systems that work together to create a product or provide a service. Some common uses for fluid processing systems include:
These complex systems rely on an interconnected network of individual components to perform their functions. This makes being able to monitor, test, and calculate each component’s output with a digital twin that’s especially valuable for your system’s efficiency. Digital twins offer a virtual model of your system, so you can design, monitor, and analyze your current or future system with accurate results.
Although not every industry uses each type of fluid processing system, it’s beneficial to understand the function of each before building your own. These are the four main types:
Typically used to create products, simple open systems are the most straightforward. Fluid enters the system at one point, travels through a single circuit, passes through various components, then exits. Open systems are also known as “transfer” circuits and move fluid from one location to another. Digital twin programming benefits these systems by ensuring fluid enters and exits in the right volume and passes through components efficiently.
Simple closed systems support processes, such as air conditioning and heating systems. Closed systems transfer fluid from a single location through the system and back to the original location. They are also known as “loop” circuits. Digital twin programming will help you to design an efficient loop with parts that fit your system’s required capabilities.
3. Open systems with multiple circuits
Open systems with multiple circuits are similar to simple open systems but feature several exit or entry points. Often called “complex systems,” these systems transfer fluid from several locations. They have either multiple entrances or multiple exits, but not both. A digital twin helps your team understand how fluid will flow through this system to ensure each circuit is operating correctly.
Much like simple closed systems, closed systems with multiple circuits continuously loop fluid. The only difference is the number of locations and the complexity of each circuit. These complex circuits support multiple locations throughout a facility without any fluid exiting the system. Digital twin programming will help you during the design process to ensure each circuit is constructed with the necessary elements to keep your entire system running smoothly.