keytech PLM

A Powerful PLM System That Keeps all Paths Open for You.

The More Specific The Better


During the development of a new product, many people, departments, tasks and processes are linked both internally and externally. Everything that happens in this phase of the product life cycle has an influence on the success of this product.

The documentation of the development process and the exact recording of all important data within the production determine the success. This is exactly why it is extremely important to integrate a versatile product lifecycle management system into the process. This not only creates the possibility to capture all product relevant information in a structured way in a digital product file, but also creates the basis to integrate further relevant information systems in a holistic product lifecycle management concept. keytech PLM as a central solution component provides the full perspective on all relevant product data.

We know the requirements of the product development process exactly. That is why keytech PLM supports product developers, designers and engineers from the first idea through the entire process chain to the end of the product life cycle.

We are less oriented on theoretical definitions or delimitations of the term PLM but concentrate on the secure integration of all important processes and procedures and the relief of the users, so that they have more time for their essential tasks.

Our software provides a comprehensive portfolio for product lifecycle management. Users increase profitability and productivity in every single phase of the product lifecycle through the efficient and intuitive integration of their CAD and CAM systems. Despite the diversity of information, the presentation of the content always remains transparent and convinces with a well thought-out structure.

With our self-developed product lifecycle software, our customers accompany and optimize the entire life cycle of a product. All product-relevant data and documents are managed in an audit-proof manner and their workflows are actively controlled and supported. All information about the development phases is always available to all involved departments in an up-to-date manner.

With keytech you create an easy entry into a powerful PLM system that keeps all options open for you.


Seamless interfaces to a variety of authoring systems, such as CAD systems, product configurators and the Microsoft Office products, and smooth communication with other information systems, such as the ERP system, are still of particular importance in the context of an integrated PLM concept.

Our interfaces serve as a smart connection between the individual applications and enable a smooth integration of already existing systems in your company.

Like for example: MultiCAD, M-CAD & E-CAD, ERP systems, CAM systems, product configurators.

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keytech PLM Features

keytech Planning


With our integrated planning tool you integrate project management functions into keytech PLM.

keytech Planning helps to make the communication between management and operational level effective and efficient. By seamlessly integrating project planning with document management, keytech planning always provides full transparency to all parties involved. Project managers can easily distribute tasks with the tool and the feedback from the project team in the form of task status or time bookings can be recorded in the system with minimal effort.

keytech Workflow Engine

Due to increasingly complex business processes, the demands on process documentation and management are rising. Today, BPMN 2.0 is without a doubt the gold standard in process management. With the keytech workflow engine we integrate BPMN into PLM & DMS. Using our integrated BPMN workflow engine, process owners can graphically design and document workflows. The “finished” processes can be easily implemented in keytech. Employees can be optimally integrated and processes can be analyzed and further optimized.

Overcoming Corporate Boundaries

Value chains today do not end at your own company gate. Suppliers, partners and customers often need to be integrated into the process and even their own employees want to access information in keytech PLM outside of their own company network.

keytech Portal

In order to effectively control the product lifecycle in an interdependent network of external actors, a simple way must be found to make documents available to the relevant parties simply and securely and to document corresponding processes cleanly and with minimum effort.

With keytech portal we offer you a tool to achieve this goal in your keytech solution.

Apps & Mobile

Regarding internal employees as well, the central task is more and more often to make PLM data available to the corresponding teams on a cross-platform and mobile basis. With our apps based on innovative web technology, our customers can master this challenge.

From a browser research tool to a Windows app optimized for tablets, we offer a variety of applications optimized for specific use cases.

Windows 10 Compatable

keytech PLM & DMS is supported on the following editions of Windows 10 - Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise. keytech PLM & DMS supports the standard maintenance options of Windows 10 - including Current Branch and Current Branch for Business.

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PLM Advantages


Introduction & Training Concept

Just as important as a reliable and functional PLM system is the right strategy for introducing the solution. This applies to a well thought-out introduction concept as well as to user training and onboarding.

Concepts For The Introduction Of keytech

There are basically two ways for new customers to implement keytech DMS: Our best practice approach and a proven 5-step implementation concept. With our best practice approach we have created an out-of-the-box solution that allows keytech DMS to be implemented in the shortest time and at minimal cost.

Our 5-step implementation concept delivers a proven roadmap to your individual keytech solution from project kick off to production start and project review.

keytech Training Concept

A well thought out concept of employee training is essential to familiarize your employees with all important functions of keytech DMS right from the start and to get the most out of the solution immediately after implementation.

Our experienced trainers teach in a variety of courses at the keytech academy the necessary skills to get started with keytech from day one. The current training plan is tailored to the areas of PLM, DMS and administration. Use our offer as a fixed component for the training and further education of your employees.

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