Multilingual Support

Provide documents and user interfaces in the respective national language

For many people, it has become part of everyday life at work to exchange ideas with colleagues worldwide. This also includes working together on complex projects! The “lingua franca” here is, of course, mostly English. If everyone involved speaks the language fluently, communication can usually run smoothly.

International cooperation – exciting and challenging

Projects can be difficult. The technical requirements are high; people tick differently interculturally. Time differences and long distances sometimes make it impossible to meet up or make regular phone calls. If the project data is then still on different servers for each country, chaos is inevitable. A typical scenario would also be: Your mother tongue is German, you configure in English and would like to sell your products on the Danish market. It is therefore important to you that your messages and information arrive exactly where they are supposed to. Otherwise it wouldn’t be nice for our neighbors!Of course you want to distribute your content without loss of time or content and of course in the respective national language

Multilingual on the go with speedmaxx

The product configurator speedmaxx provides the solution: The system provides the documents and user interfaces in any number of languages. This helps in communication with colleagues as well as with customers – and it saves time and money. The secret behind the multilingualism of speedmaxx is simple but effective: The configurator works with simple language tables that you can translate yourself in advance. Or you leave the work to a translation agency. When using it, you can then sit back and relax because the configurator automatically translates all the solutions into the required language for you. By the way: Being multilingual also means more sales in (new) markets. This product component is also interesting for many of our customers from this point of view. How about you?

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