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1. Content of Online Offer

PROCAD GmbH & Co. KG (referred to in the following as PROCAD) bears no liability whatsoever for the information provided in terms of its up-to-date character, accuracy, completeness or quality. Liability claims filed against PROCAD for material or immaterial damages derived from the use or non-use of the information provided and/or the use of inaccurate and incomplete information, are fundamentally ruled out, unless there is evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of PROCAD. All offers are subject to change without notice and are non-binding.

PROCAD explicitly retains the right to amend, add to, delete or temporarily or ultimately cease publication

2. References and Links

With direct or indirect reference to other Internet pages (links) that are outside the scope of responsibility of PROCAD, PROCAD would only ever be liable if PROCAD had known of the contents and it would have been technically possible and reasonable to expect it to prevent them, were the contents unlawful. PROCAD herewith explicitly declares that at the time the links were put into place, no unlawful contents were identified on the pages to be linked. PROCAD has no influence whatsoever on the current and future layout, content or authorship of the pages that are linked/to which reference is made. This also applies to all links set up and references given within its own Internet offer as well as to third-party entries in the guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists provided by PROCAD.

For illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and in particular for damages derived from the use or non-use of such information, solely the provider on the page to which reference was made shall be liable and not the party that provides the links to the respective publication.

3. Data Protection

PROCAD places high priority on the protection of your individual, personality rights. The accessing, processing and use of data provided by PROCAD relating to the individual users is always subject to the laws applicable.

Person-related data as defined by the Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes (BDSG – Federal Data Protection Act) constitute specific information on personal and factual circumstances of a defined or definable natural person. Besides the name, address, date of birth, professional and banking details, this may also involve other information, such as relating to health or income. All such data are subject to specific protection pursuant to BDSG that is secured by PROCAD by technical and organisational measures. The storage of data takes place on especially protected computers. The reading and processing of data is solely for the purpose, for which the user provided said data to PROCAD. Pursuant to § 34 and § 6b BDSG, the user has the right to information, free of charge, regarding said data and, pursuant to § 35 BDSG, the right to delete and block inadmissible data and/or correct inaccurate data. In all these cases, the users address PROCAD directly.

Within the offer displayed on Internet, where it is possible to enter personal or business-related data (e-mail addresses, name, addresses), the disclosure of such data by the user is solely voluntary. The services on offer may also be used and paid for – where technically possible and reasonable – without the disclosure of such data, i.e. with anonymised data or using a pseudonym.

This statement on data protection applies only to this website. It does not apply to websites to which this website is linked.

SalesViewer Technology compliance:

We have implemented SalesViewer® technology, owned by CONCEPTPARTNER®, to gather and store data for research, marketing and optimization purposes. This data allows creating user profiles under fictitious names. Tracking scripts are being applied to help generate simple company information. This information can neither be used to personally identify a visitor of the website without his/her explicit permission, nor can personal information be associated with his/her fictitious name.

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4. Legal Operativeness of this Exclusion of Liability

This exclusion of liability is to be viewed as part of the offer displayed in Internet from which reference was made to this page. Where parts or the individual wording of this text fail to correspond to the applicable legal position, no longer corresponds to it or fails to correspond fully to it, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected thereby in content and validity.